Friday, April 15, 2011

Large Stones Essential Business

E ‘was Stephen Covey who spoke of "big rocks" in his book "The 7 habits highly effective people." Core large stones the analogy is that if you do not attend the big things first, you'll never get them to do [just for them]. The book tells the story, in which people watched the event live show presenter meets jar into the quagmire of rocks. There was still space, so he added some stones. there was room to add a sand fill all the gaps. Finally, added the water to show that the case could actually be a bit ‘more.
One participant thought that the demonstration showed that if you really work at it, you can still fit more into your day / do more.

The goal is really that you do so in reverse, so you would never fit into the big stone. If you cannot install them first, you'll never be able to install them in / around them.
Large stones have to go first if you want to make real progress. Say yes to Big Rocks and not small things if they are wrong.

I use this strategy to all my clients and me and is very effective!
So what are your big rocks?

These are things that will really help you progress toward your goals and advance your business. They are not on your list of tasks or plan your daily activities.
Ask yourself what great things that really moves us forward, if they did? Could it be that the new website up. You may be sure that you have given a great proposal and it would be a huge difference to the income of this year. Could it be that the commitment to speak. It could be the beginning of a new product (I know that Big Rock ….).

It can also be something you've been putting off for a long time, but you know that you face. Why not do something? Is there something that will continue to promote "one day"..
Get friend "accountability"

Define your Big Rocks is one thing, but their accountability is how you really get results. Ask a friend, colleague, employee or consultant to help you stay on track…
I want my clients accountable for their big stone and I have my own accountability partner to keep me focused on its priorities.

Focus on priorities for a week or a month
Set your big stone in a month if they are very large, or if it is smaller and you really want to go faster, put them on a weekly basis.

Prepare for success and make realistic timetable.
I use stones during the month of my clients and it works very well. If you are inspired, with the new company, you should put them on a weekly basis.
Remember, Big Rocks is to focus on the important things – priorities that advance the business and focus on your goals.

Do not put too many people who do not give yourself too little time, and find a buddy to hold you responsible.
That's my top tips for you to focus and practice to succeed.

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